Is Open Peer Review Really Open?

As we all know, peer review is a fundamental component of the scientific publishing process. This process serves as a quality control mechanism, ensuring that research articles meet certain standards of rigor and validity before being published. However, as we also all know, traditionally, peer review has been a confidential process, with reviewers providing feedback and recommendations to editors privately. Without letting the authors in on their identities.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in open peer review, a system that aims to make the peer review process more transparent and accessible, one component of the much larger open science movement. But is it truly “open”?

In this blog post, we will explore the concept of open peer review, its advantages and disadvantages, and the extent to which it lives up to its promise of openness.

What IS Open Peer Review?

  • Open peer review, in its ideal form, is a system in which the peer review process is transparent and collaborative. Instead of being conducted behind closed doors, as in traditional peer review, open peer review makes the entire process more visible to various stakeholders, including authors, reviewers, and the public. Here are some key features of open peer review:
  • Identity Disclosure: In open peer review, the identities of both reviewers and authors are typically known to each other. This means that reviewers are not anonymous, and their comments are attributed to them. In some cases, this can lead to more constructive and accountable peer review.
  • Transparent Reports: Open peer review often involves the publication of reviewer comments and the authors’ responses alongside the final article. This transparency allows readers to see how the paper evolved through the review process and provides insight into the reasoning behind editorial decisions.
  • Public Accessibility: Some open peer review models involve making the entire peer review process, including reviewer comments and author responses, accessible to the public. This level of openness is intended to promote transparency and trust in the peer review process.


open peer review - what are benefits

Advantages of Open Peer Review

  1. Increased Accountability: Knowing that their reviews will be attributed to them can encourage reviewers to provide more thoughtful and constructive feedback. It also reduces the likelihood of biased or malicious reviews.
  2. Transparency: It provides transparency into the editorial decision-making process, which can help readers better assess the credibility and quality of published research.
  3. Learning Opportunity: Making reviewer comments and author responses publicly available can serve as valuable educational resources for researchers, especially early-career scientists who can learn from the feedback provided to others.
  4. Reduction in Bias: Some proponents argue that open peer review can help reduce bias in the review process, as reviewers may be less likely to discriminate against authors based on factors such as gender, race, or institutional affiliation when their identities are known.

Disadvantages and Concerns

  1. Reviewer Fear: Some reviewers may be hesitant to participate in open peer review due to concerns about potential backlash or career repercussions for providing negative feedback.
  2. Bias in the Other Direction: Knowing the identity of authors and reviewers could lead to favoritism or bias in the review process, with reviewers being more lenient towards well-known authors or institutions.
  3. Ethical Concerns: It raises ethical concerns, particularly in cases where sensitive or controversial topics are being reviewed. Reviewers may fear harassment or intimidation.
  4. Privacy: Publicly revealing reviewer identities may violate their privacy, and some may be uncomfortable with their comments being accessible to anyone.
  5. Stifling Criticism: In open peer review, there may be a tendency for reviewers to be less critical or to soften their comments, particularly when reviewing the work of colleagues or friends.


Open peer review is an evolving concept that seeks to make the peer review process more transparent and accountable. While it has several potential advantages, such as increased accountability and transparency, it also raises valid concerns regarding privacy, bias, and potential chilling effects on honest criticism.

Whether open peer review is “truly open” depends on the specific model employed and the extent to which identities are disclosed and reports are made accessible to the public. It is essential for the scientific community to continue exploring and refining different approaches to peer review to strike the right balance between openness and the protection of reviewers’ and authors’ interests.

In the end, the effectiveness and acceptance of open peer review will likely vary across disciplines and contexts. As the scholarly publishing landscape continues to evolve, it will be crucial to weigh the benefits and drawbacks carefully to determine whether it is the right fit for a particular field or journal. Ultimately, the goal should be to enhance the quality and integrity of the peer review process while respecting the diverse needs and preferences of researchers and reviewers alike.